Thursday, June 15, 2006

ane brun

Three posts in one day. Love me.

Okay, so there's something about Scandinavian folk artists that gets it right... I recently learned of this Norwegian chica. She reminds me in turns of Emmy Lou Harris and Fiona Apple (with guitar). I'm obviously missing something. But I think she's great. If you can give me a better comparison, please feel free...

Oh, by the way: I got an EZArchive account, so I'll post some sample songs for your listening pleasure from time to time. Like now.

{20 minutes of frustration}


Okay, not quite yet. Apparently my service level isn't high enough to give you good people a stinking URL. I'll revisit this...

{2 weeks later}


Ane Brun - My Lover Will Go

Ane Brun (with Teitur) - Rubber and Soul

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