Friday, January 09, 2009

wow, almost a year...

SO! It's been nearly a year since I vowed to update this thing more frequently. Oops. Well, just in case we haven't been purged from one of the 6 previous readers' newsfeeds, I'll just say I'll endeavor in this new year to do better. God knows I'll have time on my hands, since I don't yet speak Arabic. Anyway, here's an interesting band with a wholesome sound. Surprisingly decent for a band making their name on BandCamp...

I give you, The Secret 6, courtesy of this snifty embedded player:

<a href="">1992 by The Secret 6</a>

1 comment:

The Secret 6 said...

Hi there, thanks for the kind words. We have a new song up if you want to hear it, part of our Singles For Singles project where we're releasing a new track each month for the next year. April brought the track "Breaking Down" and you can download for free here:

Take care!