Thursday, February 15, 2007

jeff mangum

Here's a little clip I stumbled across on YouTube. It's Jeff Mangum singing his outfit's (Neutral Milk Hotel) album's title track (In The Aeroplane Over The Sea), solo. Hella lyrics, y'all, hella lyrics.

Neutral Milk Hotel
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

What a beautiful face
I have found in this place
That is circling all round the sun
What a beautiful dream
That could flash on the screen
In a blink of an eye and be gone from me
Soft and sweet
Let me hold it close and keep it here with me

And one day we will die
And our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea
But for now we are young
Let us lay in the sun
And count every beautiful thing we can see
Love to be
In the arms of all I'm keeping here with me

What a curious life we have found here tonight
There is music that sounds from the street
There are lights in the clouds
Anna's ghost all around
Hear her voice as it's rolling and ringing through me
Soft and sweet
How the notes all bend and reach above the trees

Now how I remember you
How I would push my fingers through
Your mouth to make those muscles move
That made your voice so smooth and sweet
And now we keep where we don't know
All secrets sleep in winter clothes
With one you loved so long ago
Now he don't even know his name

What a beautiful face
I have found in this place
That is circling all round the sun
And when we meet on a cloud
I'll be laughing out loud
I'll be laughing with everyone I see
Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all

Here's to hoping the re-unite...


Anonymous said...

And here I thought this was a Mary-Charlotte song covered by Neutral Milk Hotel. (shifty eyes)

You're probably aware of this already, but I'll post it anyway for anyone else who cares. There will likely never be a Neutral Milk Hotel reunion, mostly because they were more a collective of artists than a real band. The albums just sort of happened out of playing together, and not so much out of actually trying to form a coherent working band. Since NMH, Mangum has become much more interested in music/sound collage (See: Orange Twin Field Works) than in composition and is likely to never perform his own works again. All the other members are in other bands now, see Wikipedia if you're interested in them. (Also search for 'Elephant 6' for more on the artists associated with Mangum. It's sort of a modern day Warhol Factory, without the groupies).

That being said, here's to hoping they re-unite...

Anonymous said...

P.S. I'll be doing my radio show "Incredibly Strange Music (or Songs in the Key of Z)" tomorrow night (and every Friday night) at 10pm. Tune in at

Beware: Tomorrow's show will be mostly unprepared and thus, not very coherent.

Court said...

If you want to plug shamelessly on my blog, buy some Ad-Sense... ;)

Anonymous said...

What's this... "shame" you speak of?

Court said...

Now that you mention it, I can't really say...

I do, however, introduce myself as "Court, the guy over at should check it out"

Anonymous said...

Ooh, your name is Court, not I thought it WAS! You really do learn something new every day here at
Lord it's hard to be happy with out